The Story of Carmen

My baking passion started since childhood, observing my grandmother’s style of baking. Her Indian/British Guyanese heritage played a huge role. I would watch her bake for hours, where she would discuss new ideas and flavours. The sensational aromas coming out from her kitchen were tantalising.
I took a keen interest in baking, until my grandmother passed away, leading me onto a different career path.
My years in fashion were spent between London, Paris & Belgium. During my time in Europe, I was in awe with the displays of boulangeries, pâtisseries and chocolateries. The flavours, creativity, and visuality were on every shop corner in Paris; reigniting my senses to go back into baking.
My mother still of this day, regales stories of cream-tea shops in London during the 1960’s-1970’s. Cream-tea shops were abundantly located on every street corner of London, serving a delicious array of traditional British cakes. It was then the idea of Kensington Gardens Tea & Chocolaterie became into fruition.
In the heart of Notting Hill our petit cake shop offers the finest cakes that has to offer. A place where you can enjoy a cup of tea, sit in tranquility with a good book, listening to the sweet sounds of jazz.
Paying homage to my beloved Grandmother, I have replicated some of her traditional recipes that have a special place in my heart and I hope you will get to enjoy too!
Carmen x